
Lars and the Real Girl


想不到整個奧蘭多裡那麼多戲院只有一家上映而已 - 可能因為不是大製作或恐怖片的關係吧 (HALLOWEEN 將到了)﹐沒有選擇下只好驅車到陌生的WINTER PARK去看了。

故事的主人翁LARS是一個有自閉症和妄想(DELUSION)症的年輕人。 他口中來自巴西和不會說英語的女朋友BIANCA﹐ 竟然是一隻從網上訂購的成人娃娃。 LARS不只當這娃娃象真人般對待﹐ 如與家人一起共餐﹐SHOPPING﹐ 參加教堂集會和PARTY等﹐後來他還搞到向這娃娃求婚 (卻被拒絕了。。。) LARS的大哥和大嫂由當初的抗拒﹐到後來聽從醫生勸告﹐就只好跟隨LARS的意願﹐也讓BIANCA在他們家裡暫住﹐ 而鎮裡的朋友和同事們也都很樂意幫助他們﹐沒有歧視LARS﹐ 反而所有人也很有默契的也把BIANCA當作真人般對待﹐ 如介紹她到幼稚院裡當義務教師﹐在時裝店裡當助手﹐還 幫BIANCA設計新髮型等。當BIANCA因‘事務’繁忙而‘冷落’了LARS﹐ 小倆口還大吵了一頓呢﹗ 而同住在一起的大哥嫂也漸漸把BIANCA當成‘弟婦’般看待﹐ 還照顧她的起居飲食﹐ 包括幫BIANCA洗澡和服侍她上床睡覺 (LARS告訴他們BIANCA行動不方便而需要坐輪椅) - 後來BIANCA不幸的患上了‘絕症’﹐鎮裡的人都來為LARS打氣﹐直到她‘病逝’後還為她在教堂舉行葬禮。

LARS其實剛開始時是對他的女同事MARGO有好感的﹐ 但因自閉症和自卑感作祟﹐所以就不敢行動﹐然後把成人娃娃當成女友來滿足自己的妄想 (但很單純的LARS告訴大哥他們倆都是很虔誠的教徒﹐所以男女授授不親﹐也不敢睡在一起)。 也因為BIANCA﹐ LARS和他的大哥的關係變得更融洽了。 不過當LARS開始跟女同事MARGO有機會交往時﹐ BIANCA 也就在這時候患上‘絕症’了 - 她去世時LARS可真哭得很傷心的﹐ 連大哥大嫂也為之動容。

劇情聽起來還真的匪夷所思和無厘頭﹐ 看了它的PREVIEW後也以為戲裡頭會有很多爆笑的場面﹐ 但當觀賞整部電影時﹐PREVIEW裡的笑位竟然一點也不好笑了﹐反而令人覺得溫馨和感動﹐ 而且有幾場戲還蠻催淚的﹐ 比如LARS向女友BIANCA發脾氣時大嫂向他訓話﹐ 然後大哥表白因為他自小沒有真正關心過弟弟而導致他有自閉症﹐ 還有最後BIANCA‘病逝’的情節﹐都叫戲院裡不少觀眾眼濕濕。

戲院裡有幾位年老的觀眾竟把這部電影當成BEN STILLER 或 JIM CAREY 的喜劇來看﹐ 由開始笑到散場﹐ 搞到另幾位觀眾忍不住站起來叫他們收聲 (當時是BIANCA的喪禮)﹔不過這是挺個人的感覺嘛﹗雖然BIANCA的‘病逝’很叫人傷心﹐ 但畢竟也很滑稽啊﹗最厲害的是我前面的一位阿姨竟然站起來罵那幾位觀眾‘YOU PEOPLE ARE SO RUDE﹗’mmmm。。。。。。AUNTIE﹐你也入戲太深了吧﹗﹗

女主角 - 娃娃BIANCA也真的蠻性感的﹐有點象蔡依琳﹐舒琪和ANGELINA JOLIE的混合體 ﹕) - 聽說拍攝過程中為了讓戲中演員能入戲﹐ 工作人員都把BIANCA當作真演員般對待﹐除了在更衣室裡換服裝﹐還有自己的化裝室呢﹗

不知這部電影會不會在大馬上映呢﹗如果有得話﹐戲裡頭有一場男主角和娃娃BIANCA接吻的鏡頭 (幸好沒有FRENCH KISS)﹐ 希望到時不會被剪掉吧﹗


在西方國家﹐男女性朋友間碰面時會擁抱與親吻面頰以示友善 - 我也已習慣每當與女性朋友見面時需要互相吻一次或兩次﹔但之前在吉布提時稍微不同﹐不知道是當地人或埃塞爾比亞人的習俗﹐每次與女性朋友見面時卻需要互吻四次﹐也就是左右面頰各兩次。一般上不止男方吻女方﹐就算女性朋友間也會互親對方面頰以示禮貌。不過男性朋友間當然不會彼此親吻面頰﹐只是握手或來個擁抱就行了。

在秘魯辦公室裡的女同事們通常一大早來上班時﹐第一件事就是與每一位同事輪流互相親吻面頰問好。其中一位女同事後來決定不要再這樣子下去了﹐她告訴我不想每天一來上班臉上就有幾十個人的口水。有些人是真的用嘴吻的﹐曾經見過一些朋友真的每次都很用力的吻下去﹔有些人卻只是用面頰輕碰對方面頰﹐然後嘟着嘴‘咀咀’ 聲地作狀當吻了 - 我就是屬于後者的‘吻’法。因為之前在吉布提已習慣了這種見面方式﹐所以去到秘魯後也很容易地入鄉隨俗了﹐只是有時可惜為什麼不能吻對方四次 :P

不過來自巴基斯坦的一位工程師﹐也是一名回教徒﹐開始時就對這種見面方式避之則吉。記得第一天他來報到時﹐其中一名女同事很熱情的上前要吻他的臉﹐他把臉一避開﹐那女同事見他反抗﹐竟吻了他的頸項 (幸好沒留下口紅印)﹐ 弄得大夥兒哭笑不得﹐說這男的被非禮(MOLEST)了。不過過了幾個星期後﹐這工程師好像開竅了﹐以後見到女同事後都會主動趨前擁抱及親吻對方面頰。



我也向老師解釋亞洲國家的文化背景不一樣﹐思想也比較傳統保守﹐更何況馬來西亞是個回教國家﹐男女性朋友之間通常不會有太親密的動作。老師她還是覺得我所說的一切不可思議﹐剛巧我們留意到隔壁座的一對中年夫婦﹕太太離座上廁所﹐彼此就吻對方一下﹔從廁所回來後﹐雙方又再吻一下﹐點完菜後﹐侍應生一走後﹐對雙方又再吻一下﹔她然後就問我﹐情人或夫妻間總會親嘴吧﹗我說當然有啦﹐不過不會象他們西方國家般開放﹐爽爽要在那裡吻都可以﹐我們大馬人比較少人會在大庭廣眾親熱的﹐如果有的話﹐反而會被人家嘲諷有傷風化﹐或教壞細路呢﹗(記得幾年前一名華裔青年在SRI HARTMAS 一帶只因在大庭廣眾下發表愛的宣言而被群毆至重傷不治的新聞﹐如果告訴老師的話﹐她一定不敢踏足馬來西亞了。)

她後來又告訴我她不能一天沒有親吻或擁抱﹐因為她需要感到被人關心和愛﹐而且這是她能量(STRENGTH)的來源﹐對我所說得所謂的保守社會認為是很冷漠的行為。我告訴她我無可否認擁抱是很窩心的動作﹐但也只有在適當的時候才會發揮它的作用 -比如朋友需要鼓勵時﹐一個擁抱可以讓他感覺到你對他的支持﹐或者祝福朋友時加上一個吻﹐才會感到POWERFUL。如果這是常常做的動作﹐在這些特別的時刻就它們的感染力就相對的減少了。

不過也難怪她不能相信我所說的﹐ 因為她從來未去過亞洲﹐ 而在南美洲的亞裔們也早已入鄉隨俗了﹐ 所以她對得我所說的一切難以相信。她反而很想去馬來西亞見識一下﹐看看沒有親吻和擁抱的社會是怎樣的。我笑她說如果她真的來馬來西亞就要暫時封嘴了﹐不然見到人就吻的話可能會被人誤以為發花痴呢﹗




My No.1 Favourite in the Peruvian Cuisine - Ceviche!

I have to admit that have never had any idea about Peruvian cuisine before coming to this country. As a Malaysian I am lucky to have the opportunity to enjoy all kind of fusion from all over Asia. I think that this is why our taste buds are a bit difficult to satisfy. But luckily as a ‘Fan Tong’ (rice bucket), I am glad that rice is also a main meal in the Peruvian food and that’s why I have put on much weight recently. A normal set lunch in the local restaurant is about 5-7soles (about USD1.80 - 2.20) and you have an entrada (appetizer), a main course and a drink (either inca cola or the blackish maize juice chicha morada). And with such a price you can easily get full and satisfied.

Anticucho (Cow's heart) and Conchita (Raw mussel with only lime and onion)

First thing I was being recommended when arrived in Lima is the Peruvian national meal: ceviche, a smoked raw fish fillet (with lime / lemon sauce) served with sweet potato, maize and onion. It is right now my favourite appertiser and always more onion or cebolla is more delicious! However, after a few stomachaches, I realized that as a foreigner we better choose to take ceviche from a decent restaurant, which at least manages their fish well and clean. I have tried the ceviche from a 6soles menu including chicken rice and ended up half day sitting in the toilet. It does not mean that the small restaurant is not clean, but just that as a foreigner our stomach is not ‘acostumbre’ and should carefully choose the place to eat ceviche. Ceviche can be an appetizer or a main course itself. But I prefer to have it as an appetizer (to have a big plate of raw fish not my idea of a main course anyway)….

Cuy - the fried guinea pig - irritating but yummy....

Pachamanca - a traiditonal food for people fromthe highland

During my visit to Huaraz I’ve got the opportunity to try the fried guinea pig ‘cuy’ and pachamanca. The latter consists of meat (chicken, beef, pork or all three together) baked in an earthen oven. You can see how they make it as shown in the pictures from Wikipedia. The dish served with sweet potato, tamale and Lima beans. I am not sure the one I’ve tried is baked in a traditional way but the restaurant I went ‘La Colina’ is a local favourite restaurant (and luckily it was not recommended by the travelers’ bible Lonely Planet’ yet, so the price is still local rate and not many gringos there.

As for cuy, I’ve seen some restaurants cut off the guinea pig’s head so they can attract and sell to more travelers, who feel better eating it without seeing the head. But sad to say that the meat at the face is actually one of the most delicious parts - I almost left the cuy’s head faceless and the photo I’ve taken on the leftover is just like the mummy I saw in the museum. It is served with potatoes and salsa picante. As a first timer I suggest to order only ¼ which is enough for one person. I also want to apologise for those who think I am a bad person for eating guinea pig - Im just following my motto - do whatever the locals do, eat whatever the locals eat!!

Parihuela - Seafood chowder, looks spicy but actually not at all.

Chupe, a kind of seafood chowder with milk, served with with prawn (chupe de camarones) or with fish (chupe de pescado) is also my favourite. Another type of chowder is parihuela de mariscos, mixed seafood chowder. My personal favorite is chupe de pescado, which is normally served with rice in it, with a fried egg and maize. The chowder is rich and sometimes a bit spicy. But as a Malaysian who likes Thai food and curry so much, this is far too mild.

Lomo saltado - means salty beef steak, stir fried with onion and tomato, and served with french fries

Arroz con Pollo (Chicken rice in Spanish) and Arroz con Mariscos (Rice with Seafood)

Chicken rice a.k.a arroz con pollo is a friendlier dish to visitors / tourists in Peru. Sometimes the rice is served in green colour with a chicken breast. Other touirists friendly dishes are like chicharon de pollo (chicken), or de mariscos (seafood) or camarones (shrimps). Normally these are served with the yellowish spicy sauce called ‘aji’. They can be found in almost all local restaurants. Lomo saltado, or pollo saltado is beef fillet chicken or fillet stir fried with tomato and onion. This is one of my favorite which normally served with rice, and all these dishes are ideal for foreigners who dare not risk their stomach for ceviche or weird tasting chupe.

Chicharone de pollo (Chicken) and Mariscos (Seafood) - a friendlier choice to visitors who are just arrived in Peru and have not got their stomach ready for Ceviche

Chicharon de Chancho (pork) - like the Cantonese BBQ pork (siu yuk)

Churros - breadstick best served with hot chocolate or black coffee

Avolcado salad

Another thing surprises me in Peru is Chifa: local Chinese owned restaurant, serving Chinese-Peruvian fusion food. The word chifa comes from the Chinese word: eat rice, and they somehow translate it to chifa and now it becomes one of the most popular eatery at Peru. The locals like chaufa, which is a direct Cantonese pronunciation of fried rice. And the quantity served in chifas is always more than it should be. Normally a fried rice for one person is served in the amount of two, where to take away the leftover (para llevar) is a very common thing here, even in a decent restaurant. Chifas can be divided into two major types: owned by Cantonese and owned by Hokkiens. I would say the more famous restaurants and more delicious food are from those owned by Cantonese, which normally have longer history in Peru.

The quantum of food served in Lima (or perhaps the whole Peru?) is always big, and I have observed even locals they cant always finish such quantity and have to ask for takeaway, or order only half of a personal meal. I am not sure how they measure a personal meal would be here…at first I always ended up takeaway my leftover food and now, I rather order half whatever personal meal on the meal, then it will be a real ‘personal meal’ for me.

I’ve also found out that Peruvians prefer stronger tastes, for example when a dish is served the first thing most the people will do is put some salt or soy sauce on it before tasting whether it is salty enough. For me most of the food, especially those served in the chifas are always too salty as per my level. Asking for less salt or ajinomoto has become the first thing I’ll ask when ordering my meals.

There are still a lot to share when it comes to Peruvian food. It is actually a very unique cuisine like and unfortunately not widely recognized internationally. It should have got the same attention like Thai, Chinese, Indian or Japanese food. Perhaps the Peruvian government has to put more afford into it.

Fried rice in a personal plate - this is how I gained my additional 5kg during my stay in Peru

Huaraz - 我希望退休後養老的地方

除了 Isle of Skye以外﹐Huaraz 應該是另一個給我感覺象世外桃源的地方。一個高度在3000米以上的秘魯小鎮﹐到處都可看到雪山﹔當地的居民還是很樸素﹐沒有象旅遊聖地 Cuzco 般的商業化﹔雖然第一天剛到時有不輕的高山反應﹐但喝了至少五杯的 Coca 茶﹐第二天也就精神奕奕了。


在這裡就遇到了一個泰國人﹐17年前來這兒登山﹐因為太喜歡這裡了﹐從此就在這兒定居下來﹐還開了一家泰國餐館﹐連 Lonely Planet 都有介紹。他還在這裡娶了一個哥倫比亞裔的太太﹐生了兩個可愛的小美眉。知道我是馬來西亞人﹐雖然不是同鄉﹐但好歹也是鄰居 (大家都來自東南亞) ﹐所以對我也特別優待﹔他太太還拿出他們的家族相簿來告訴我他們相識結婚的過程﹗

不過相信當初他決定拋開泰國的一切而跑到秘魯來﹐應該是下了很大的決心和勇氣吧﹗為了實現夢想﹐就會有所犧牲 - 有時候顧慮太多可能到頭來只會一事無成。。。。