

You’re still the best



The Angels of Ecuador

My students from the Escuela Fiscal Republica de China - Taiwan.


Happy New Yorker

A set of street photos that I took in NYC. First time using iMovie and it turned out to be really fun!


Ya viene el niñito

My dearest Ecuadorian nephew Mateo was singing the classic Christmas tune "Ya viene el niñito" .


El Chulla Quiteño

Sung by Julio and Jonathan from the segundo class.

Melodía - Pasacalle: Alfredo Carpio Flores
Letra: Luis Alberto Valencia
Yo soy el chullita quiteño,
la vida me paso encantado,
para mi, todo es un sueño
bajo este mi cielo amado.
Las lindas chiquillas quiteñas
son dueñas de mi corazón,
no hay mujeres en el mundo
como las de mi canción.
La Loma Grande y La Guaragua
son todos barrios tan queridos de mi gran ciudad;
El Panecillo, la Plaza Grande
ponen el sello inconfundible de su majestad.
Chulla quiteño, eres el dueño
de este precioso patrimonio nacional;
Chulla quiteño, tú constituyes
también, la joya de este Quito colonial.




Los niños

Mis Estudiantes


Scala and Kolacny Brothers

First heard about the choir when their remake of Radiohead's 'Creep' was played in the trailer of The Social Network. I was right away being attracted by the remake and went searching for them in Youtube - which ended up watching their videos for more than an hour! Check them out - they are simply amazing!!!

Also their remake of Coldplay's Viva La Vida gave me goose bumps!